Publications & Lectures


Psychotherapy Integration: Theory and Practice Explained. (Book forthcoming in 2023)

Papers and Books on Psy­chother­apy & Psychoanalysis

Frank, K.A. (In Press). Innovation and Integration. Psychoanal Perspect.

Frank, K.A. (2022). The evolution of Paul Wachtel’s Integrative Vision. Division 39 Review, 28:6-7

Frank, K.A. (2020). An integrative approach to relational psychoanalysis. Psychoanal. Inq., 40(6):448-460.

Frank, K.A. (2020). Rethinking therapeutic action: Finding commonalty in diversity, Psychoanal. Perspect., 17(3):289-317.

Frank, K.A (2015). “Psychoanalysis and the Twenty-First Century: A Critique and A Vision.” (Reprinted from 2013.) Chapter in J. Bressler and K. Starr (Eds.) Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Integration: An Evolving Synthesis. Relational Psychoanalysis Book Series. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

Frank, K.A., (2015). Introduction to Rachel Altstein’s “Finding Words”. Psychoanal. Perspect., 13: 1–2.

Frank, K.A. (2014). Introduction to Being Railroaded: A Candidate’s Struggle to Stay on Track. Psychoanal. Perspect., 11:2, 138-139.

Frank, K.A. (2014). Out from hiding. Chapter in S. Kuchuck (Ed.), Clinical Implications of the Psychoanalyst’s Life Experience: When the Personal Becomes Professional. Routledge, 65-80.

Frank, K.A. (2013). Psychoanalysis and the 21st Century: A Critique and a Vision. Psychoanal. Perspect., 10:300-334.

Frank, K.A. (2013). Reply to the Discussants “From the Margins”. Psychoanal. Perspect., 10:363-377.

Frank, K.A., Bernstein, K. (2013). “Complexity, Complexity, Complexity”: An Introduction. Psychoanal. Perspect., 10:1-9.

Dolber, A., Glassman, N.S., Merklin, K., Rosenthal, R., Schuker, E., Feldmann Secrest, M., Frank, K.A., Bernstein, K. (2013). Inside Adoption. Psychoanal. Perspect., 10:65-113.

Frank, K.A. (2012). Strangers to ourselves: Exploring the limits and potentials of the analyst’s self- and mutual awareness. Psychoanal. Dial., 22:311-327.  Abstract

Frank, K.A. (2012). Reply to Commentaries. Psychoanal. Dial., 22:344-351. Abstract

Frank, K.A. & Bernstein, K. (2012). Therapeutic action: An introduction and overview. Psychoanal. Perspect., 8, 2, 1-19.  Abstract

Frank, K.A. (2012). Ther­a­peu­tic Actions. Psy­cho­an­a­l. Per­spec­t., 8, 2, 75-87.  Abstract

Frank, K.A. (2011). Gray cloth: Dis­cus­sion of “The Organ­is­mic Oth­er­ness of Being” by M. Cras­tnopol. Psy­cho­an­a­l. Perspec­t., 8, 2, 153-164.

Frank, K.A. (2009). End­ing with options. Psy­choanal. Inquiry, 29:136-156.  Abstract

Frank, K.A. (2007). Get­ting Prac­ti­cal in Analy­sis: A Review of Owen Renik’s Prac­ti­cal Psy­cho­analy­sis for Ther­a­pists and Patients. Psy­cho­an­a­l. Per­spec­t., 5:149-158. Abstract

Frank, K.A. (2006). Matters of perspective: Reply to David Brand’s “The real, the constructed, and the personal”. Psychoanal. Perspect., 4:125-143. Abstract

Frank, K.A. (2006). Minor Differences: Reply to Hirsch and Wachtel. Psychoanal. Perspect., 3:27-37

Frank, K. A. (2005). Toward con­cep­tu­al­iz­ing the per­sonal rela­tion­ship in ther­a­peu­tic action: Beyond the “real” rela­tion­ship. Psy­choanal. Per­spec­t., 3(1) 15-56.  Abstract

Geffner, A.H., Itzkowitz, S., Frank, K., Hill, S. (2006). Introduction. Psychoanal. Perspect., 3B:39-42.Frank, K.A. (2004). The analyst’s trust and ther­a­peu­tic action. Psy­choanal. Quart., LXXIII:335-378.  Abstract

Frank, K.A. (2002). The “ins and outs” of enact­ment: A rela­tional bridge for psy­chother­apy inte­gra­tion. J. Psy­chother. Inte­gra­tion, 12:267-286.

Frank, K.A. (2002). Com­ment on Horowitz’s (2002) “Self and Rela­tional Obser­va­tion.” J. Psy­chother. Inte­gra­tion, 12:128-138.

Frank, K.A. (2001). Extend­ing the field of ana­lytic change: some impli­ca­tions of exploratory-​​assertive moti­va­tion. Psy­choanal. Inquiry, 21:620-639.  Abstract

Frank, K.A. (2001). Com­men­tary: fur­ther thoughts about assim­ila­tive inte­gra­tionJ. Psy­chother. Inte­gra­tion, 11, 1, 131-152.

Frank, K.A. (1999). Psy­cho­an­a­lytic Par­tic­i­pa­tion: Action, Inter­ac­tion, and Inte­gra­tion. Hills­dale, NJ: The Ana­lytic Press.

Frank, K.A. (1998).  Selec­tion in P. Carnochan (Ed.), Clin­i­cal con­tro­ver­sies:  End­ing an ana­lytic rela­tion­ship. The Psy­chol­o­gist Psy­cho­an­a­lyst. Win­ter, 1997-1998 (pp. 20-25).

Frank, K.A. (1998). An integrationist’s jour­ney [Review of Psy­cho­analy­sis, behav­ior ther­apy and the rela­tional world by Paul L. Wach­tel].  Con­temp. Psy­chol. (pp. 466-477).

Frank, K.A. (1997). Focused inte­gra­tive psy­chother­apy. Chap­ter in R. A. Alperin and D. G. Phillips (Eds.). The Impact of Man­aged Care on the Prac­tice of Psy­chother­apy: Inno­va­tion, Imple­men­ta­tion, and Con­tro­versy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, Pub­lish­ers.  (pp. 79-104).

Frank, K.A. (1997). The role of the analyst’s inad­ver­tent self-​​revelations.  Psy­choanal. Dia­logues, 7:281-314.  (Com­men­taries by Lewis Aron, Stephen A. Mitchell, Karen J. Mar­oda, Mar­garet Cras­tnopol, Jay Green­berg, and Emmanuel Kaftal).  Abstract

Frank, K.A. (1997). Reply to Commentaries. Psychoanal. Dial., 7:347-361.  Abstract

Frank, K. A. (1993). Diverse per­spec­tives on psy­cho­an­a­lytic par­tic­i­pa­tion: Reply to Adler and Wach­tel. Psy­choanal. Dia­logues, 3:605-622.  Abstract

Frank, K. A. (1993). Action, insight, and work­ing through: Out­lines of an inte­gra­tive approach. Psy­choanal. Dia­logues, 3:535-577. (Com­me­nta­ries by Elliot Adler and Paul L. Wachtel).  Abstract

Frank, K. A. (1992). Com­bin­ing action tech­niques with psy­cho­an­a­lytic ther­apy. Int. Rev. Psycho-​​Anal. 19:57-79.  Abstract

Frank, K. A. (1990). Action and Insight by P. L. Wach­tel [Review of Action and Insight by P. L. Wach­tel].  Psy­choanal. Rev. Fall, 457-459.

Frank, K. A. (1990). The liv­ing response to the trans­fer­ence [Review of Under­stand­ing Coun­ter­trans­fer­ence: From Pro­jec­tive Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion to Empa­thy, by M. J. Tansey & W. F. Burke]. Con­temp. Psy­chol. 35, 7, 664-665.

Frank, K. A. (1990). Action tech­niques in psy­cho­analy­sis. Con­temp. Psy­choanal., 26, 4, 732-756.  Abstract

Frank, K.A. (Ed.) (1977). The Human Dimen­sion in Psy­cho­an­a­lytic Prac­tice. New York, Grune & Stratton.

Olsen, P., Fos­shage, J. L., Frank, K.A., et al. (Eds.) (1978).  Heal­ing: Impli­ca­tions for Psy­chother­apy. New York, Human Sci­ences Press.

Olsen, P., Fos­shage, J.L., Frank, K.A., et al. (Eds.) (1976).  Emo­tional Flood­ing. New York, Human Sci­ences Press.

Papers on Med­ical Psychology & Psychosomatics

Frank, K.A. & Korn­feld, D.S. (1992). Stress and Stress Man­age­ment.  Chap­ter in Kass, F., Pardes, H. Rieder, R (Eds.) (1992).  Colum­bia Uni­ver­sity Col­lege of Physi­cians and  Sur­geons, Depart­ment of Psy­chi­a­try Home Health Guide. New York: Henry Holt Co. (pp. 352-363).

Frank, K. A., Heller, S.S., Korn­feld, D.S. (1979). Psy­cho­log­i­cal inter­ven­tion in coro­nary heart dis­ease. Gen. Hosp. Psy­chiat., I, 18-23.

Frank, K. A., Heller, S.S., Korn­feld, D.S., Sporn, A. A., Weiss, M. B. (1978).  Type A behav­ior pat­tern and coro­nary angio­graphic find­ings. J. Amer. Med. Assn., 240, 761-763.

Frank, K. A., Heller, S.S., Korn­feld, D.S. et al. (1978). Delir­ium after coro­nary artery bypass surgery. J. Thor. Car­dio­vasc. Surg., 76, 93-96.

Frank, K. A., Heller, S.S., Korn­feld, D.S. (1972). A sur­vey of adjust­ment to car­diac surgery. Arch. Int. Med., 130, 735-739.

Frank, K. A., Heller, S.S., Korn­feld, D.S., Malm, J. R. (1972). Long-​​term effects on intel­lec­tual func­tion­ing of open-​​heart surgery. J. Thor. Car­dio­vasc. Surg., 64, 811-814.

Heller, S.S. and Frank, K.A. (1985). The Effects of Stress on Health. Chap­ter in Tap­ley, D.F., Weiss, R.J. & Mor­ris, T. Q. (Eds.) (1985).  The Colum­bia Uni­ver­sity Col­lege of Physi­cians and Sur­geons Com­plete Home Med­ical Guide. New York, Crown Pub­lish­ers. (pp. 327-339).

Heller, S.S., Frank, K.A., Korn­feld, D.S., Barsa, J. (1980). Psy­cho­log­i­cal and Behav­ioral Out­come After Coro­nary Artery Bypass Surgery. Chap­ter in H. Spiedel (Ed.) Psy­chopatho­log­i­cal and Neu­ro­log­i­cal Dys­func­tions Fol­low­ing Open-​​Heart  Surgery, Springer-​​Verlag.

Heller, S.S., Frank, K.A., Korn­feld, D. S. Malm, J. R., Bow­man, F. O., Jr. (1974). Psy­cho­log­i­cal out­come fol­low­ing open-​​heart surgery. Arch. Int. Med., 134, 908-914.

Heller, S.S., Frank, K.A., Malm, J. R., Bow­man, F. O., Jr., Har­ris, P. D., Charl­ton, M. D. (1970). Psy­chi­atric com­pli­ca­tions of open-​​heart surgery: A re-​​examination.  New Eng. J. Med., 283, 1015-1020.

Heller, S.S., Korn­feld, D.S., Frank, K.A., Barsa, J. (1979). Delir­ium After Coro­nary Artery Bypass Surgery. In Spiedel and Rode­wald (Eds.). Psy­chic and Neu­ro­log­i­cal Dys­func­tions After Open-​​Heart Surgery, Thieme Strat­ton Inc., New York.

Heller, S.S., Korn­feld, D.S., Frank, K.A., Hoar, P. F. (1979). Post-​​cardiotomy delir­ium and car­diac out­put. Amer. J. Psy­chiat., 136, 337-339.

Kahn, J.P., Korn­feld, D.S., Frank, K.A., Hoar, P. (1980). Type A behav­ior and blood pres­sure dur­ing coro­nary artery bypass surgery. Psy­cho­so­matic Med., 42, 407-414.

Korn­feld, D.S., Heller, S.S., Frank, K.A., Wil­son, S. N., Malm, J. R. (1982). Psy­cho­log­i­cal and behav­ioral responses after coro­nary artery bypass surgery. Cir­cu­la­tion, 66(5), Suppl. III, 24-28.

Korn­feld, D.S., Heller, S.S., Frank, K.A. (1974). Per­son­al­ity and psy­cho­log­i­cal fac­tors in post-​​cardiotomy delir­ium. Arch. Gen. Psy­chiat., 31, 249-253.

Korn­feld, D.S., Kahn, J. P., Frank, K.A., Heller, S.S., Free­man, P., Keller-​​Epstein, W. (1985). Type A behav­ior and blood pres­sure rise dur­ing gen­eral surgery. Psy­cho­so­matic Med., 47, 3, 234-241.


Orga­ni­za­tions at which Dr. Frank has been invited to speak:

Adel­phi Uni­ver­sity Clin­i­cal Psy­chol­ogy Depart­ment
Amer­i­can Psy­cho­log­i­cal Asso­ci­a­tion (APA)
American Red Cross
APA Divi­sion of Psy­cho­analy­sis (Divi­sion 39)
Amer­i­can Psy­cho­an­a­lytic Asso­ci­a­tion (APsaA)
Amer­i­can Psy­cho­so­matic Soci­ety
Center For Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis of New Jersey
City Uni­ver­sity of New York (CUNY) (Clin­i­cal Psy­chol­ogy Depart­ment)
Colum­bia Pres­by­ter­ian Med­ical Cen­ter (Car­di­ol­ogy Grand Rounds)
Colum­bia Uni­ver­sity Teach­ers Col­lege (Grad­u­ate Nurs­ing Pro­gram)
Inter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on the Psy­chol­ogy of the Self
Inter­na­tional Red Cross
Jew­ish Child Care Asso­ci­a­tion
JFK Med­ical Cen­ter (Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Grand Rounds)
Mer­cedes Benz of North Amer­ica
Mt. Sinai Hos­pi­tal, NY (Car­di­ol­ogy Grand Rounds)
National Insti­tute for the Psy­chother­a­pies
New Jer­sey Insti­tute for Train­ing in Psy­cho­analy­sis
New Jer­sey Psy­cho­log­i­cal Asso­ci­a­tion
New Jer­sey Psy­cho­an­a­lytic Soci­ety (APsaA)
New York State Psy­cho­log­i­cal Asso­ci­a­tion
New York-​​Cornell Med­ical Cen­ter, Grand Rounds
Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia
Soci­ety for the Explo­ration of Psy­chother­apy Inte­gra­tion Inter­na­tional Meet­ing
Soci­ety for the Explo­ration of Psy­chother­apy Inte­gra­tion (New York Chap­ter)
The Stephen Mitchell Relational Study Center
Weil-​​Cornell Med­ical Cen­ter (Car­di­ol­ogy Grand Rounds)